Thursday, April 21, 2011

Coupon Thief..... in a good way!!

So, about a month ago, I was in Sobey's going down the baking isle and saw some coupons for Carnation's Evaporated Milk hanging off the shelf under the Evaporated Milk.  Well, we all know how expensive that stuff can be so I took the coupons BUT I didn't use them at Sobeys!!  I took 4 of them and put them in my purse because I knew a deal would come up somewhere........ well it paid off!!

This morning I was at Walmart picking up a few things and there in the grocery isle was a large stack of..... you bet Carnation's Evaporated Milk.... and not for normal price, on sale for $1.33 each!!!  I thought instantly, I've got a coupon for those!  I went looking through my coupon file and sure enough, there were those 4 coupons for $.25 off!!  So of course I grab 4 cans and my cost was $1.08 a can!!!

Always look out for coupons, you never know when you can use them to the best advantage!!

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