Saturday, February 26, 2011

DIY Cleaning Supplies #1

I found this great site that shows you how to make your own cleaning supplies.  A majority of the items are commonly found in the home.  Click HERE to check them out.

My good friend Bailey was telling me about how her mom has a great way to make your own dryer sheets.  This is how its done:

In a container (plastic rubbermaid or old margarine container) put 1/4 cup of fabric softner and 1 cup of water, then place some fabric squares in to the container... When you put the load of laundry into the dryer you get one fabric square, kind of ring it out and throw it in with your clothes... then when you fold your clothes you just place the fabric square back into the container! Easy and resuable!!


(You can go to the site by clicking on the name)  This company is one of my favorite for awesome cleaning supplies that work amazing and are great on the environment.  They aren't DIY but they are products you only buy once and use a zillion times!

They have clothes that contain silver which is a bacteria killer.  You can purchase a cloth and use it to clean your bathroom, including toilet, without using one cleaning agent.  I LOVE THEM!  They gaurentee that 99.9% of germs are killed.  The only time I use any cleaner is when I have chicken on the counter, little bleach just to make sure.

They also have these amazing dryer balls.  Dryer balls eliminate the entire need for dryer sheets.  They even decrease the amount of time your laundry needs to dry and do they ever work great.  DON'T buy them from the dollar store though.  I know a few people who have purchased them from there and they said they didn't work at all.

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